
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

因为这是毕业季, most of us know someone who is getting ready to make their way into “the real world.” At such an important time, it’s good to share the wisdom of experience.

I’m often asked what advice I’d give to young people just starting out in business. I begin by saying, “keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground.”

为了进一步澄清, 我会对他们说, 最重要的是, 对自己想要成为什么样的人有一个愿景. 他们应该考虑, 在一天结束的时候, what they would want someone to say about their lives and then go make it ‘true.’

他们不应该只是找工作, they should look for a role that will allow them to live a life that taps into their skills and passions. 和, 尽管他们的愿景会不断发展和改变, they should keep it in front of mind so they are always moving forward, 向它.

因为这是一个非常重要的时期, we also reached out to a number of friends and leaders who have great insight for their advice to recent graduates:


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创始人克里斯汀·哈迪德 学生女仆

It’s OK to hit roadblocks and feel like you don’t know what to do next. 这将会发生. There were definitely times where I had no idea what I was doing, and I made some HUGE mistakes. 不过没关系. 做好调查, write down your goals (and make sure they’re SMART: Specific, 可衡量的, 可以实现的, 现实和及时), 不要害怕寻求帮助.  People want to help you, but you have to let them know you need help! Also remember that someone telling you ‘no’ might start something for you instead of stopping it.



Kip Tindell, Founder and Chairman of The Container Store, author of 无法控制:多么激情, Committment and Conscious Capitalism Built a Business Where Everyone Thrives.

当年轻人向我寻求建议时, I say forget about grades and making a big salary – follow your dream. 如果你真的想去商学院, get it done as quickly as possible and then get back out into the real world. 如果你真的想成为一名企业家, don’t get settled into a career and get used to making six figures – before you know it, you’ll be married with kids and will never give up that job security to start something. Do it right out of the gate, throw yourself into it 100 percent, and never look back. If you wait, you’ll never have the courage to create something special.


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William Ury, co-founder of the Harvard Program on Negotiation and author of 得到to“是”和“对自己说“是”

No challenge you will face is impossible if you can learn to collaborate with others.  和 the foundational skill for collaboration is to be able to listen, 设身处地为别人着想.  Listening means more than hearing the other person’s words; it means listening for what’s behind the words, 因为这个人的真实感受, 寻找真正驱使他们的东西.  If we can understand the other person, we are much more likely to get to yes.  Practice true listening every day — and the rewards you will reap in happiness and success will be immense.



鲍勃·伯格,《 主动给予者和主动给予者领导者

As a future leader, earning the trust of others will be your most valuable asset. 和, you’ll do that by the way you commit to them genuinely and authentically. 要知道,伟大的领导从来都不是关于你自己, 领导者, but rather about everyone whose lives you have the opportunity to touch; to add value to. When others understand that this is truly who you are, 这样他们才会信任你, 他们会对你做出承诺.



里奇·谢里丹,门罗创新公司首席执行官,《 快乐,公司. ——推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜如何建立一个人们喜欢的工作场所

The best advice I can offer a recent college grad is to simply raise your hand and say ‘I can help with that.’ By volunteering both within your company and your community, 你丰富了你的生活, 你的经历和别人的生活. I am an engineer by trade and education and am now a 首席执行官 and entrepreneur. 我能回忆起我职业生涯最初的日子, my company was going to a trade show in Las Vegas and they needed help both constructing the booth and staffing the floor to talk to potential customers. 我说‘我很乐意帮忙’.’ I learned so much about what our customers actually needed. I built great relationships with our sales and marketing teams. I learned a lot about the hard work, sore feet and busted knuckles of business. My life and my career advanced each time I volunteered for something outside my normal scope of work, 我的舒适区.

These young people likely began making life-changing decisions prior to graduation, but the next few months will be very important in determining the trajectory of the rest of their lives.

他们在工作场所的经历差别很大. Some will walk into environments where they are treated as a number or a function; some will hopefully work for companies where their leader truly cares for and values them as a person. They may encounter leaders who are there to teach and mentor, but many will end up reporting to a manager who is there only to further his or her own ambition. 无论如何, as they walk through the doors of the workplace post-graduation, these formative experiences will have long-lasting effects.

Think about the young people in your life who might benefit from this wisdom and share it with them. 更好的是, create a workplace where they’ll have the opportunity to become all they were meant to be and get ready to develop tomorrow’s truly human leaders.



鲍勃·查普曼/ 2018年5月30日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2020年5月20日

Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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